Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Personal Reflection

"Outta Here" These words will be said again and again in a variety of ways, but never again will they be uttered by Harry Kalas. Harry Kalas passed away Monday just before the Phillies were set to play a game against the Washington Nationals. He collapsed in the broadcast booth and was taken to the hospital then sadly died. Kalas is the Philadelphia Phillies. His voice and famous calls will live forever in this city and with this team.

From sitting on the beach in the summer with a radio listening to the Phillies game to the final call of the World Series last year, Harry brought the game of baseball to life for anyone who had the honor of listening to him. Personally, I have been learning the game of baseball and letting Harry into my life for 22 years. Harry Kalas is someone who dealt with a lot but nothing ever got in the way of his work, even the loss of his best friend and partner Richie Ashburn. Ashburn passed away in New York in 1998. I had the honor of meeting Kalas and shaking his hand a little more than a week ago. Our conversation went something like this...

Me: Hi Mr. Kalas, I just started interning here.
Harry: That's great, we are glad to have you. Don't let this take away from your study time.
Me: Don't worry, I won't. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that you are the reason I am a baseball fan. You taught me the game and are someone I admire and respect greatly.
Harry: Well thank you young man. I'll be seeing you around the ballpark.
Me: It is going to be my honor Mr. Kalas.
Harry: Call me Harry, after all, we are co-workers.
Me: Sounds good Harry, enjoy the game.
Harry: You too, take care.

Rest in peace my friend. Thank you.
Photos from the Phillies


Anonymous said...

well said

-matt p.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You were the ONLY reason I watched Baseball, thanks Mr. Kalas!


Anonymous said...

this really hits where it hurts. a very good post, thanks for sharing a great story.

-big phils fan

Anonymous said...

i guess god needed a play by play guy to go along with whitey up there...rip bro

Todd said...

Thank you all for the kind words. Lets honor his memory by never forgetting that wonderful voice.